The Watchtower's Egocentric View

The Watchtower Society's 1999 book Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy! opens with a chapter titled "The Book of Daniel and You," but a more appropriate title would be "The Book of Daniel and US" -- because the organization sees those prophecies as fulfilled in itself.

It asserts that the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel foretold specifically when the Watchtower corporation's Board of Directors would be jailed, and when they would be freed. Also, when certain organizational conventions would be held, and when certain articles would appear in Watchtower publications.

Today's collective Watchtower leadership -- seven corporate Directors plus additional Governing Body members -- were not the first to see the book of Daniel as written about them. The organization's second president, "Judge" Rutherford, came up with the interpretations that are still propounded (although slightly modified) in the 1999 book.